Those who are taking out a loan for a home will probably be required by the lender to purchase home insurance. Even those who don’t need a loan will still need to make sure that they protect their property accordingly with a comprehensive home insurance policy. This is important for making sure homeowners have the money to replace their belongings and repair their property in the event of a disaster. At the same time, homeowners do not want to spend more than they must for a home insurance … [Read more...]
Rebuilding Costs: Rethinking How Much Homeowners Insurance You Really Need
Buying a home comes with numerous financial planning obligations. It's far from a turn-key operation and one of the significant challenges involves developing a working knowledge about things often outside your area of expertise. For example, working as an educator, police officer, investment banker or office staffer does not necessarily make you an expert about home repairs or insurance coverage. Yet, the average homeowner is tasked with carrying a certain level of homeowners insurance coverage … [Read more...]