With all the expenses that go into monthly living and the temptations that come along with life, saving money for the down payment on your new home can be quite a struggle for many people. If you're having a hard time saving and are wondering what you can do to ensure a higher bank balance next month, here are a few things that may pose a risk to getting the home of your dreams. Forgetting To Take Lunch One of the things most likely to defeat your bank balance is the daily office trip to the … [Read more...]
December Home Prices Rise According To S&P Case-Shiller Home Price Index
Home prices rose slightly in December according to S&P Case-Shiller Home Price Indices released Tuesday. According to the S&P Case-Shiller 20-City Home Price Index, which covers cities representing all nine US Census divisions, home prices rose 5.40 percent year-over-year in December as compared to November's reading of 5.20 percent. December's year-over-year home price increases were led by Portland Oregon at 11.40 percent, San Francisco, California at 10.30 percent and Denver, Colorado … [Read more...]
Help Available To Struggling Homeowners Set To End In 2016
Many homeowners are struggling to keep up with their mortgage payments on a monthly basis, and it can often seem like there are limited options for remedying the situation. If you haven't heard of HARP refinancing and you're a homeowner who's looking for a lower interest rate, this may be the right solution to your payment woes. Instead of letting the opportunity blow by, here's all you need to know before this option ends in 2016. The Details On HARP Refinancing Known as HARP, the Home … [Read more...]
Ready to Move in to Your New Home? Not So Fast! Take Care of These 3 Items Before the Big Move
With the excitement involved in moving into a new home and all of the things that need to be done, it can be easy to forget a few important things before you load up the moving van. If the day of departure is drawing closer and you're mulling over the final details, here are some items you may want to check off the list first. Install A New Lock One of the most important aspects of home ownership is the feeling of security it automatically provides, so you'll want to change out the locks on the … [Read more...]