A good credit rating is built on a number of financial factors including paying your bills on time and the length of your credit history, but loans can also be a source of bolstering your credit score in a positive way. While this means that loans can actually be a good thing, there are also the kinds of loans that can have a damaging impact on acquiring a mortgage. If you'll soon be pursuing your own home purchase, here are some loans that may have a negative impact. Borrowing For Education … [Read more...]
Can You Get a Mortgage after a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Discharge? Yes – But You’ll Have to Wait
There was a time when it was possible to acquire a mortgage shortly after filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, but with the shifts in the financial sector, the timeline on such a mortgage approval has changed in recent years. If you're currently undergoing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy and are wondering how this will impact home ownership, here are the basics on this type of bankruptcy and what it may mean for you. What Is Chapter 7? While a Chapter 13 bankruptcy is the kind of financial situation that … [Read more...]
What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – August 15, 2016
Last week's economic news included reports on job openings, retail sales and recurring reports on mortgage rates and new jobless claims. Job openings and hiring increased, which provided further evidence of stronger economic conditions. Retail sales were flat in July, new unemployment claims dropped and mortgage rates changed little. Labor Reports Suggest Stronger Economic Trends The Labor Department reported more job openings in June with 5.60 openings as compared to 5.50 million job openings … [Read more...]
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