Divorce or separation is a challenging time, and amidst the emotional and logistical complexities, handling mortgage issues can add another layer of stress. For many couples, their home represents not just a financial investment but a symbol of stability and security. However, when relationships break down, decisions about homeownership become crucial. Here is some guidance on how to navigate mortgages during a divorce or separation. Communication is Key: Open and honest communication between … [Read more...]
3 Things You Need To Know About Divorce And Homeownership
Divorce can be an incredibly emotional and financially stressful time. Questions about what happens to assets and the family home add to the anxiety. Each state has divorce laws that differ and that can complicates decision-making. For example, marital assets are distributed differently in community property states from equitable distribution ones. The idea of 50-50 splits may be a myth because judges have the discretion to deviate from even percentages. That being said, these are three things … [Read more...]