Many people are aware of the financial commitment that is involved when investing in a home, but what that amounts to is different for every person. From what you can afford to what a lender will allow, there are plenty of details involved in determining the right home for you. If you're not quite sure what the right price is, here's how to approach home ownership and determine your debt-to-income. Calculating Your Debt-To-Income Ratio You may not know what your DTI ratio is, but it has a lot to … [Read more...]
Understanding the Reverse Mortgage and How to Use It to Pay Off a Regular Mortgage
There are a variety of mortgage products out there that serve the needs of different homeowners, but for the uninitiated it can be hard to know what will work best for them. If you happen to be close to retirement and are looking at options that will be more financially beneficial for you, here are the details on a reverse mortgage and how this product can work for you. The Details On A Reverse Mortgage A reverse mortgage may be one of the lesser-known products available on the market, but it … [Read more...]
The Pros and Cons of ‘Mortgage Before Marriage’ for Young Couples
There was a time when a higher percentage of people were married before they committed to buying a home together, but it's a lot more common to co-habit and invest in a home together. If you're considering the commitment of a mortgage without being married, here are some things to be aware of before you start searching the market. Relationship Status Won't Affect Your Rates It might seem like there are greater risks involved if two individuals purchasing a property are not legally bound, but it … [Read more...]
4 Things You Absolutely Should Not Do After You Apply for a Mortgage
If you have a good credit history and are prepared to invest in a home, you may be feeling pretty confident about the mortgage process. However, it's important to be aware that there are things that can have a negative impact on your application. Whether you've just submitted your documents or are getting close to it, here are some things you may want to avoid. Acquiring New Credit It may seem silly that something as minor as a new credit card can be a mark against your credit, but applying for … [Read more...]
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