A poor credit history is a reality for many people, but it can be particularly daunting when it comes to investing in a house. Fortunately, simply because you or yours have experienced bad credit doesn't mean that you should be penalized in the future. If your spouse has struggled with bad credit in the past but you're both preparing to move forward and invest in a home, here are some tips for getting it together financially. Face The Music Many people who have bad credit are too scared to take … [Read more...]
Three Ugly, Dated Design Features That You Need to Get Rid of Before You Sell Your Home
There are a lot of inexpensive renovations that can easily improve the value of your home, but you might not be aware of dated features that are working against you and aging its look. If you're ready to put your home on the market and are wondering what types of design will downgrade your home's appeal, here are a few things you may want to consider upgrading or discarding before planning your first open house. Bright Accent Walls While brightly colored paint can certainly enhance a room if … [Read more...]
Suffering in a ‘Low Inventory’ Real Estate Market? 3 Helpful Tips for Finding a Home to Buy
Many homebuyers struggle with finding a home that is within their price range, but many of those perusing the market also struggle when it comes to the search. If you're currently in the real estate market and are having difficulty finding a good selection of homes, here are some ways to expand your search so you can find an opportunity you're prepared to invest in. Look Over The Old Listings Whether you do it on your own or enlist the help of your real estate agent, it's worth looking through … [Read more...]
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